Ein Hauch von Venedig. Man beachte den Balkon ohne Brüstung
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02. April 2013 von Chris
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not lost in translation anymore
Hey, I'm Chris from Germany.
This blog is about my adventures during my stay in Brazil. Its title came up to my mind, when I first arrived here and was shocked of some things, such as the typical Brazilian shower heads, which heat the water directly in the shower by electricity. So there goes an electric wire directly into it and often they don’t seem to be very well isolated…
Especially when the whole construction fell out of the wall, while I was having my first shower, and it was just swinging at the power cable, I was a little shocked…
As time comes, you get really relaxed in Brazil and don’t make up your mind too much about things like this anymore.
So, I really love Brazil, despite the address of this blog
Ein Hauch von Venedig. Man beachte den Balkon ohne Brüstung
02. April 2013 von Chris
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